Sunday, February 21, 2010

Baptism of Johannes

Baptism document for Johannes Umiker 1868 at Thalheim, Switzerland.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Doris and Verl

Doris is the daughter of Abraham Umiker and Dolly Rhode.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

James Umiker and his son

James Umiker and son, Arthur John "Jimmy".
"This is the hole family. Thems some pure bread pups I have got Gordon Setters"

Arthur John "Jimmy", 10 years old. He was adopted by his mother, Violet's second husband following his father's death, and took his stepfather's surname, MacInnes.
Arthur John Umiker - Jimmy MacInnes
His daughter says: "I think my Dad was about 10 years old in the one pic and I believe he joined the US Navy in approx. 1947. He was able to get his US Citizenship when he joined the Navy. "