Thursday, October 2, 2008

James I Webb and Emma Lewallen

State of Tennessee, Scott County
To any Regular Minister of the Gospel having the gospel of Souls, or any Judge or Justice of the Peace for said County - Greeting:

I, H. Reed, Clerk of the County Court for the County of Scott, aforesaid, by the power in me vested by the law, do LICENSE YOU OR EITHER OF YOU, celebrate the RITES OF MATRIMONY between James C. Webb and Emma Lewallen given at office in Huntsville, the 5 day of Nov, 1896 and of American Independence the _________
H. Reed; Clerk

I solemnized the Rites of Matrimony between the above named parties on the 5 day of Nov, 1896
Joseph Batts; Minister of the Gospel

Stare of Tennessee, Scott County.

Know all Men by these Presents, that we, James I. Webb and W. C. Russell are held and firmly bound unto the State of Tennessee, in the sum of TWELVE HUNDRED and FIFTY DOLLARS, to be void on condition that there will be no lawful cause to prevent a Marriage from being solemnized in the County of Scott between James C. Webb and Emma Lewallen WITNESS, our hands and seals, the 5 day of Nov 1896

J. I Webb
W.C. Russell

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