Wednesday, April 28, 2010

These Stalwarts Were the Crew

These stalwarts were the crew of the "Big Mill" about 1897, when production of shingles was the big industry in the community. Cedar bolts for the shingles came in big drives down the Toutle river or from teh upper Cowlitz. The mill was located at the site of the present county garage. The picture is the property of Clarence Whittle, who identifies the men as follows: left to right, front row, Zack Stephens, Euclid Randall, Johnny Davis, unknown, George Appleman, George Huntington, Bert Collins and Doc Helems (sic) [Wm E Helms, brother-in-law to Hannah Rhode]; second row, Tobe Rhode, Charley Rhode, unknown, unknown, Chet Bemis, Cassady, and Ham Rhode, and back row, Billy Beaver, Lee Cummings adn Ed Fenton.

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