Saturday, September 6, 2008


The Oregonian June 8, 1919
Farmers Use Electricity - Cowlitz County Agriculturists Adopts Modern Methods.
CASTLE ROCK Wash. June 7 --(Special)-- Among the farmers who are installing electricity on the farm are . . .A. Umiker . . . Several others are awaiting their turn.
Cunningham and Huntington will each install a motor for tunning all the farm and household contrivances usually operated by man-power. While the power is running the milking machine, washingt machine, churn, etc. the time saved can be utilized for other work. Farm help is scarce and some of the farmers have been running their tractors at night, having a day and night shift.

Abraham, Dolly, Susie, Margaret, and baby Abraham Umiker. Albert Schleicher on the horse.

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