Saturday, September 6, 2008

Abe Umiker as pall bearer

Submitted by: Shirley Wilkerson, SSwilkerson at
Source: "The Cowlitz County Advocate," Castle Rock, Cowlitz Co., Washington, 1934
Birkenstock Funeral Service Held Sunday
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Hubbard Funeral home for Fred Birkenstock, who passed away on Christmas Day [1933]. The funeral service was in charge of the Masonic lodge, Reverend H.J. Harding, chaplain of the order, leading in prayer. Both the chapel service and gravside service were conducted by George Mackrell, acting master. Members of the Eagles, K. of P. and Masonic lodges attended the funeral in a body. Music was sung by Ralph Dykeman accompanied by Mrs. Howard Lum.
Interment was at the Whittle cemetery. John Slade, Willis Dykeman, Dwight
Peabody, Robert Hickey, Lloyd Rainboth, and Abe Umiker acted as pallbearers.

Submitted by: Shirley Wilkerson, SSwilkerson at
Source: "The Castle Rock Advocate," 1934
Mrs. Tucker Called by Death Saturday
Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon [2 Jan 1934] by Reverend C.B. Osgood for Mrs. Elizabeth "Grandma" Tucker, who died Saturday, December 30 [1933] at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Effie Hill following an extended illness. The funeral service was held at the Christian church with the Nat Smith funeral home of Kelso in charge. Music for the service was furnished by a mixed quartet composed of C.B. Osgood, J.K. Conger, Mrs. C.N. Miller and Mrs. H. Beck, accompanied by Mrs. James Price. Interment was at the Whittle cemetery.
Elizabeth Adeline Kinman was born on June 12, 1846, in Milton, Illinois and, July 4, 1860 was married to William W. Tucker of that city. Four years later the family moved to Oregon, settling near Silverton. In 1884 they moved to Washington, settling in the Scantygrease district west of Castle Rock where Mr. Tucker took up a homestead. In 1898 they moved to Castle Rock where they have since resided save for four years spent in Oregon during the war. Mr. Tucker passed away just thirteen years ago.
Surviving are three sons and three daughters, J.L. Tucker of Portland, Sarah Crampton of Onalaska, Mrs. Amanda Watkins, Mrs. Effie Hill and Warren Tucker, all of Castle Rock, and William Tucker of San Francisco.
Pallbearers had been named by Mrs. Tucker before her death. They included J.K. Conger, A.D. Little, Dan Delameter, Elmer Gary, W. Blanchard and Abe Umiker.
Among out-of-town persons attending the funeral were: J.L. Tucker, Portland; Mrs. Sarah Crampton, Onalaska; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Foster; Roland Bourland, Centralia; Mrs. Conkil, Raymond; Robert Bateson, Longview, J.H. Crampton, Onalaska, Mrs. Liona Anderson and children, Ray and Bobby, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Larson, Onalaska; Mrs. Shirwood, Onalaska; and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fenton, Silver Lake.

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