Monday, September 1, 2008

A short story of Uncle Andy Lewallen. He was a brother of John W Lewallen

A. R. Lewallen was the son of William D. Lewallen who was the son of Andrew Lewallen who was the son of Anderson Lewallen.
A. R. Lewallen was born in Scott county, Tennessee. July 17, 1849. He moved with his family to Rock Creek, Wayne County, Kentucky and later the family moved back to Scott County, Tenn. In 1865. He married Nancy ? in 1868. He and his wife raised eleven children of their own and took in seven other children at different times making the sum total of eighteen children in all.
Uncle Andy served as Justice of Peace in Morgan County Tenn. for 20 years and four years as Justice of Peace in Scott County, Tenn. He filled the office of Chairman of the County Court of Morgan County, Tenn. for two 1/2 (sic) years. Andy Practiced law before the lower courts of Scott, Morgan, Fentress County for 20 years. Uncle Andy joined the free Masons in 1873 and was affiliated with them ever since. He served as Master of the Lodge for ten or twelve years. He was a Master Mason for nearly 56 years.
To the union of Andy and Nancy Lewallen were born the following children.
J.G. Lewallen
H.A. Lewallen
Linnie E. Lewallen
Mrs. Anne York
H.O. Lewallen
O. H. Lewallen
C.K. Lewallen
A. H. Lewalln
Lura Davis
W.C. Lewallen
Cicero Lewallen
Uncle Andy obtained his schooling from two books Arithmetic and spelling.
The remainder of his education he obtained at home and from outside sources. He was a member of the Methodist church from 1867. on He served as a member of the Committee who built the Court House at Waartburg and his name is engraved in gold letters on a slab at that building. Uncle Andy passed away some time ago. He was a leading figure in law and order of that section of Tenn.

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