Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Letter from Effie Wenrich

From a letter to my grandmother dated July 31, 1984 Hillsboro, Ore. 97123

". . .Didn't mean to be so long answering your letter, but Joe and I both have had a very bad year -- he almost died in Dec. and never have gotten over heart attack I had a year ago. Can hardly hold my pen to write, besides my sight is so poor can barely see what I write.
"Sorry we can't (Joe) give you any more info for John. And Joe knows about Kitty & his father [about their deaths from the flu], so he said return this paper. Thank you for your trouble. Am sure John's family History will be very complete. He's doing the family a good record.
"Come to see us sometime -- Joe doesn't drive very far and I gave up driving in 1980 - I now am 88 Joe is 84 this year.
Wishing you all well --
Effie & Joe Wenrich"

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