Friday, January 8, 2010

Dave Kelly's memories

. . .As far as your G-grandfather [Charles Haywood] is concerned, we would visit him at least once a year in Castle Rock, Washington. I loved going there. He and my Dad (Al/Thomas) loved to try and outshoot each other as Haywood was a WWI vet and very accurate with a rifle. (as a side note, he had two fingers shot off in the war as he was running for cover during a German machine gun attack). I can remember waking up in the morning at his house and smelling "side bacon" cooking. A bit rich for me but I ate it anyway. I remember the drive back and forth from Portland to Castle Rock was an all day trek. Back then, the roads were terrible.
You mentioned Lois in your note. My sister and I knew her as Aunt Mary. She was the sister of Al/Thomas, Haywood and the rest of the crew. She was married to a Lou Weir and lived many years in Australia during WWII. They eventually moved back to the States and settled in Portland. Uncle Lou was an exec at United Parcel Service in Portland. They also owned several "boarding houses" in the Portland area. When Lou passed on, Mary/Lois came to live with my father and me. That only lasted a few years as she did not like the hustle and bustle of my Dad's house with Sharron and I coming and going all the time.

--blogger's note-- My dad told me that three of Haywood's fingers, not two, were shot off in the war. He was left with his index finger and thumb, but according to my dad, he could do more with those two digits than most people could do with both hands.

1 comment:

Carol Lewallen said...

Yes, as I do have memories of my grandfather (John W.), my dad (John E.), Uncle Kelly (as I knew him as.)and Uncle Haywood. When they came to vist us they would want a shooting match to see who was the best. Uncle Haywood did out shot everyone and my grandfather was very mad, he just couldn't let any one outshoot him. I think some times they would let grandpa win, so he wouldn't get mad. That is my thinking.. My dad tought me how to shoot when I was very young and grandpa,dad and I would go out and shoot and I did get really good and could out shoot my grandpa. It was alot of fun back in those days.