Sunday, August 3, 2008

Elizabeth Ankert and her parents

I was made aware of Elizabeth Ankert through a posting on Rootsweb by Barbara Amburgey. She e-mailed to me pages of a quit claim deed ceding land back from Dolly Umiker and Dolly's surviving siblings to Barbara's ancestors, the Housers. Barbara was trying to link the signers of the deed to an Elizabeth Ankert who was raised by Philip Houser.

The names on the deed include Dolly Rhode Umiker, Doris Umiker, Herbert Melton, Tobias Rhode, Maud Drake Rhode, Alfred J. Golden, Louise Rhode Lee, Fred Lee, Oscar LaGrange, Anna LaGrange, Herman Rhode, Henry Rhode, Charles Rhode, and Hannah Rhode Helms (widow)

I found Elizabeth Ankert age 9 listed with the family of Philip and Mary A. Howser on the 1860 Census at Independence, Cuyahoga, Ohio. Also listed was a seven-year-old girl, Dianthy Gallough. Elizabeth was still with them in the same location at age 17. This time another girl, 8-year-old Emma Johnson, was with them. Elizabeth's parents are noted as being foreign born; Elizabeth was born in Ohio.

E-mail from Rev. Vern L. Bok
"I found the confirmation listing of Maria Elisabeth Ankert, whose parents were Daniel Ankert and Maria Ankert. It was as you indicated in your letter, 5 April 1868. She was born 11 March 1853."

Question, what happened to Elizabeth's parents and what is her connection to the Housers?

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