Thursday, August 14, 2008

letter to my father

Nov. 29, Weiser
. . .My husband Johnny remembers seeing. . .Greta and Dewayne. The year of 1928. Johnny and his Mom and Dad came over to Uncle Haywood's and stayed 2 or 3 months. Is your Mom still alive? And where is Greta and Dewayne? Johnny's Dad went to Dewayne's one year and went fishing with him.
As for what Malinda (Young) died of, we never heard. . . but only William lived and died at Vancouver. What he did for a living we never heard. I don't know about the Buckston's. Malinda's mother's name was Buckston. All that I know is what I sent to you. And here is a short story on Uncle Andy, who was the son of Great-great-grandfather. (Blogger's note: See September 1, 2008 post)
You know years ago, it didn't look right to have a woman come in and take care of your children. And the dates I have the three children that was (sic) adopted out would be 4, 6, and 8. and why Hayward (sic) wasn't adopted too I don't know, Johnny said he thought he might of stay with the Kelly's too. But not sure. And they all came from Tenn.
Gary Lewallen you wrote to here in Weiser is Johnny's oldest boy.
Johnny is 63 this Dec. . . . Johnny was a welder for 30 years for Oregon Portland Cement Co. at Lime, Oregon. Then they moved to Durkee, and built a new plant. He finished out his 30 years there. . . .
Well, I'm sorry we can't be any more help. Was real glad to hear from you.
Your friends,
John and Bobby Lewallen

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