Monday, August 11, 2008

Orders of Adoption

Photo taken Sept. 1973 Uncle Joe Wenrich on left; Uncle Al Kelly on right.

Kelly passed away Nov 7, 1973; buried Nov 10th

In the Probate Court of Washington County, State of Idaho-
In the Matter of the Application of Thos. E. Kelley and wife C. A. Kelley to Adopt Thomas R. Llewellen the Minor Child of William Llewellen.
This cause having come on regularly for hearing and it appearing that said Minor Child Thomas R. Llewellen is now present, and the consent of Thos. E. Kelley and C. A. Kelly the Petitioners to adopt said minor child having been signed before me and are filed herein: that said William Llewellen is the father of said minor child: that the Mother of said minor child is dead: that said minor child is under the age of twelve years: that the consent of the father of said minor child to said adoption and his consent thereto in open court having been signified, and said written consent is on file herein: that the petitioners have filed their agreement, signed before me with said minor child and with each person whose consent has been filed herein, that said minor child shall be adopted by said petitioners and treated in all respects as their own lawful child should be treated, including the right of inheritance: and it appearing that such adoption will be for the best interests of said minor child, that said petitioners and said minor child, and all persons whose consent is necessary, have each appeared herein and were examined as provided by law: that said petitioners each reside in this county.
It is therefore Adjudged that petitioners Thos. E. Kelley and C. A. Kelley adopt said minor child and from this time forward said minor child shall be treated by them in all respects as their own lawful child should be treated, Including the right of Inheritance and said petitioners and said Minor child shall bear towards each other the relations of Parent and Child.
Dated Feby 23 1906
(signed) John W. Ayers
Probate Judge
(Aunt Mary and Uncle Lou Wier; photo taken Sept 1955)
Author's note: I have two other hand-written adoption records identical to this except for the parties named. They regard William Llewellen's daughter, Mary L. Llewellen's, adoption by C. A. Jones and his wife, Annie Jones; and William's son Samuel R.'s adoption by Alfred Wenrich and his wife, Lillian Wenrich. Each record bears the same date.

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