Monday, August 11, 2008

Marriage of James H. Lewallen and Kittie May Shay

Marriage License
State of Idaho, County of Washington,
KNOW ALL MEN BY THIS CERTIFICATE, That any regularly ordained Minister of the Gospel, authorized by the rites and usages of the church or denomination of Christians, Hebrews or religious body of which he may be a member, or any Judge or Justice of the peace or competent officer to whom this may come, he not knowing of any lawful impediment thereto, is hereby authorized and empowered to solemnize the rites of matrimony between James H. Lewallen of Weiser in the County of Washington, State of Idaho, and Kittie May Shay of Weiser, in the County of Washington, State of Idaho, and to certify the same to said parties, or either of them, under his hand and seal, in his ministerial or official capacity, and thereupon he is required to return his certificate in form following as hereto annexed.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Recorder's Office of said County, at Weiser, Idaho, this 1st day of April A. D. 1911
(signed) Frank E. Smith, County Recorder and Harriet Smith, Deputy

Marriage Certificate
I John W Ayers, a Justice of the Peace residing at Weiser in the county of Washington, in the State of Idaho, so certify that, in accordance with the authority on me conferred by the above license, I did on this 1st day of April in the year 1911, at Weiser in the County of Washington in the State of Idaho, solemnize the rites of matrimony between James H. Lewallen of Weiser in the County of Washington State of Idaho, and Kittie May Shay of Weiser, in the County of Washington State of Idaho in the presence of J. A. Reynolds and Manly Brizendine
WITNESS my hand and seal at the County aforesaid, this 1st day of April A.D. 1911
In the presence of (signed) J.A. Reynolds and Manly Brizendine
(signed) John W Ayers, Justice of the Peace

Affidavit for Marriage License
State of Idaho County of Washington
I, James H. Lewallen do solemnly swear that I am a resident of Weiser in the County of Washington in the State of Idaho; that I am an unmarried man; that I am over the age of eighteen years; that Kittie May Shay to marry whom I hereby apply for license is a resident of Weiser, in the County of Washington, in the State of Idaho that the said Kittie May Shay is an unmarried white female over the age of eighteen years; that neither myself nor the said Kittie May Shay have been divorce within six months prior to this date that we are not related in a degree prohibited my the marriage laws of the State of Idaho, and further that there is no legal impediment to our marriage.
(signed) Mr. James H. Lewallen
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of April, 1911
(signed) Frank E Smith, county recorder
by Harriet Smith, deputy

Filed for record this 11th day of April 1911
(signed) Frank E Smith, County Recorder
by Harriet Smith, Deputy

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