Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Whole X!?:O Family is Sick!

Casile Rock
Dear Haywood.
Recieved your letter of the 14th. You talked like an old grand-dad. so serious. and seemed so sure about every-thing. But perhaps you know. or think you do _ Wish you wouldn't be that way so much.
Oh, I missed the bus to-nite and had the pleasure of riding home with Mr Ivie, Pst, one of Earl's old friends. You said you wanted to come up awfully bad Sat. well why didn't you. I was lonesome too. and stayed home all day Sat. and Sun. Be sure and come up Sat. if you havn't a date with Mable of course, I've always tried to teach you not to brake your dates. Ha! Ha!
Have the boys got work yet? Why don't Murry or Al. work for Doug? I should think it would be much easier_ Oh, I just hate this week, Just think our mid-year examinations horrors! Thurs. morn I have Gen. Science afternoon, Dom. Art Friday morn_ Ancient History, while in the afternoon English. I'm scared I'll flunk. Marg and Abe went to the Show this after-noon the school showed "That Something" at the Dreamland. can call it a dream-land if you please, for its full of flies. Mamma is awfully sick to-night. Do not know what is the matter. I think she has the
Plurisy or something.
Sport is sick too. Dad took him over to the doctor this evening he has the distemper, Ma gets so darn sore at Dad letting him stay in the house she just growls all the time. Dad's heart is still flipping or jumping and he says his kidneys are nearly stone. Margaret said to ask you if you ever nursed. If so you had better come down for the whole X!?:O family is sick.
Listen, if you are not working this week or busy come down.
Well I suppose I will be up all night, for Ma is nearly screaming with pain.
Love Sue
Well dear 9:30 and time for all good girls to be in bed Not? But Ma is worse if any thing. She just growns all the time. I sure wish you were here, you should have been here the even. for Dad gave sport a couple of raw eggs. Well I just hate the nasty things and had to run for the back porch. Believe me. I can hardly keep my eyes open. I am so sleepy
The kids are in bed and every thing sure seems funny.
Dad got me a pair of shoes Sat. night. I just hate the darn things, so uncomfortable. Too long in the toes and hurt my heel. Such is life in the wild west. 'Spect) just complaining. But I guess it isnt my nature.
Nighty, Night

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